Monday, December 1, 2008

Item Database Creator

This is a new standardized program which allows you to not only easily create items but allows you to automatically insert into your sql stream. This will update your sql database for you so you do not need any sql injection code. Simple fill out the form and press the add item button. From there go into your sql database and it should simply be there.

1. Download From Here
2. Extract to where you want.
3. Open the connection txt file. Fill in the right requirements. Such as database name and password and the ragnarok database.
4. Open the program it self and its easy to use. Self explanitory.

Changing The Database Structure.
Easy as 1,2,3 all you will have to do is open up the item database script txt file and change the structure of how the table is set.

1. Allows you to import a view ids through txt file in your data folder.
2. Automatically inserts db injection into the database it self.
3. Hack protect system.
4. DDOS Attack prevention

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